Client's Name
First Name
Last Name
Date Of Birth
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Choose One
Name of Insurance
ID #
Group #
Name of Insured
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Relationship to Client
Primary Care Physician
First Name
Last Name
Do you have secondary Insurance?
*We do not bill secondary Insurances.
Name of School
Current Grade
Teacher's Name
First Name
Last Name
Academic Concerns
Does your child currently receive school-based services?
Please describe the pregnancy:
Any complications at birth?
Treatment received by baby or mother?
Who lives at home with your child?
Give a brief description of family dynamic
List any medical or school diagnosis:
List current medications:
Any pertinent medical history?
Does your child use glasses, hearing aids, braces, wheelchairs, or any other special equipment?
Does your child have allergies, seizures or any other medical problems we should know about?
Any other therapy and/or special education programs that your child has had or is currently receiving?
Any significant delays?
Why are you seeking an evaluation?
What does your child like? What do you enjoy doing with your child?
What are your child's strengths?
What is more challenging for your child?
What would you like us to help you and your child do?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know at this time that you feel can help us provide better services for your child?
Body, Movement, and Motor Planning:
Please check if area of concern
Motor coordination (i.e. difficulty with climbing, throwing/catching balls, jumping jacks)
Balance (i.e. frequently falls or trips)
Poor body awareness (i.e. difficulty maneuvering around furniture/people/objects without bumping into them, seems accident prone)
Poor postural/core strength
Poor body strength
Seems t o exert too much pressure for the task (slamming doors, pressing t o hard when using pencils or crayons)
Grasps objects (such a s spoon o r pencil) loosel
Difficulty with imitating body movements (songs with motion 'itsy-bitsy spider, Simon says)
Avoids movement activities or using playground equipmen
Dislikes when head i s tilted upside down
Poor endurance/tires easily (especially when standing or holding particular body position)
Gets hurt often during play / poor safety awarenes
Seeks out movement that i s unsafe and/or interferes with daily routine
Additional Comments:
Fine Motor/Visual Motor:
Please check if area of concern
Still switches hands - no hand preference/dominance
Awkward/immature grasp on marker/pencil
Avoids drawing, art, or writing activities
Poor handwriting (i.e. legibility, letter formation)
Difficulty with spacing or staying on lines when writing
Tires easily with writing activities or requires increased time to complete writing tasks
Difficulty cutting with scissors
Difficulty with manipulating small items (ie. blocks, Legos, construction projects)
Difficulty with opening containers (play dough, snacks in bags, ets...)
Additional Comments:
Please check if area of concern
Likes to chew on non-food items (i.e. toys, shirs)
Has difficulty manipulating food in mouth (i.e. chewing, closing lips fully, excessive drooling, gagging, chocking)
Avoids eating new foods
Needs food cooked/prepared a particular way, or only likes certain brand
Has a limited diet
Bothered by certain smells
Additional Comments:
Personal/Social – Behavior and Emotions:
Please check if area of concern
Sharing and cooperating with friends (i.e. difficulty taking turns)
Participating appropriately in outings (i.e. difficulties in going to grocery store, birthday parties, parks)
Difficulty following directions
Difficulty with transitions
Difficulty with handling unexpected changes or changes in routine
Limited variety of play interests and imagination
Limited attention when participating in tasks
Engages in repetitive and self-injurious behaviors that impede on functional performance
Additional Comments:
Self Care:
Please check if area of concern
Utensils use (i.e. forks, spoons, drinks from cup, cuts with knife)
Removing clothing, shoes
Putting clothing, shoes on
Tying shoes
Managing zippers, buttons, fasteners
Brushing hair and teeth, washes face and body
Following a 3-4 step routine/task
Organizing his/her own things, cleaning up room
Difficulties with sleeping (i.e. falling asleep, staying asleep)
Additional Comments:
Visual Processing:
Please check if area of concern
Easily distracted looking at things in the room when completing a task
Sensitive to light (prefers to be in the dark)
Difficulty finding things in a cluttered space
Tends to draw or write in reversals
Additional Comments:
Auditory Processing:
Please check if area of concern
Has speech or articulation difficulties
Seems bothered by ordinary household sounds (toilet flushing, hair dryer, vacuum)
Shows significant distress with unexpected sounds or loud noises (runs away, cries)
Appears to not hear what you say or hear name being called
Enjoys making unnecessary sounds (causing certain sounds to happen over and over again: excessively banging toys, yelling, etc...)
Has difficulty remembering directions
Has difficulty functioning/completing a task if there is a lot of noise in the room (people talking, TV, or music on)
Additional Comments:
Touch Processing:
Please check if area of concern
Excessively seeks touching people and objects
Has a high pain tolerance/decreased awareness of pain and temperature
Avoids messy textures when playing (paint, glue, sand, etc...)
Shows distress to being touched
Shows distress with certain fabrics, clothing, shoes, or bed sheets
Shows distress with brushing hair, brushing teeth, bathing, nail clipping, hair cuts
Additional Comments:
Please list any allergies your child may have, including food, non-food, and/or latex:
Please complete the following to allow your child to participate in snack activities:
My child may participate in snacks and has no diet restrictions.
My child may participate in snacks if diet restrictions are observed.
Diet restrictions:
My child may participate in snacks; however, I will provide his/her snack.
My child should not participate in snack time.
I give permission for my child's picture/video to be used by Growing Adventures for the purpose of training other professionals and paraprofessionals.
I give permission for my child's picture/video to be used by Growing Adventures for marketing/publicity.
I do not wish for my child's picture/video to be used for any purpose other than training his/her specific clinical team.
I do not wish for any photos/videos to be taken of my child.
Medical Professionals: